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Driffield Steam Fair Rally Evaluation

A summary of the results from the Driffield Steam Fair Rally survey has been produced after the conclusion of a two-week engagement to evaluate the impact of the return of the Town Road Run through the town centre on the evening of Saturday 13th August. In total, 152 residents participated in the evaluation, which ran from 19th August until 2nd September. Business responses were collated separately.

Organised by Custom Shows, the Driffield Steam Fair event management company, working alongside local enthusiast volunteers and supported by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) Local Growth team, the event saw more exhibitors than ever before taking part in the procession through the town.

Data showed that footfall in the town centre on Saturday 13th August was up by almost 40% compared with other Saturdays over the summer holiday period.

90% of residents and businesses showed a positive reaction to the return of the Driffield Steam Fair rally through the town centre.

Of those that attended, 83% made a purchase whilst in the town, with takeaway food and drink being the most popular.

80% of businesses that responded stated though they would not normally be open at that time, it had been a successful event for their business.

Regarding suggestions for improvement, most considered it a very well organised welcome return and a positive experience for those attending. Common safety suggestions were provided regarding the management of parking in the lead up to the Town Road Run, emergency vehicle access being maintained and increased marshalling of vehicles and pedestrians to ensure safety throughout. These have been passed on to the road run organiser committee.

Other popular comments were additional seating and music provision throughout the event and requests for more businesses to open, particularly those providing opportunities for food and drink purchases.

Feedback on what other town centre events residents and businesses would like to see included food and drink festivals throughout the day and early evening, an expansion of different markets – both artisan and continental, music and arts, similar transport shows linked to the town centre and family events, such as street fairs and carnival processions.

Thankyou to those that contributed to the engagement

Posted on 8th September 2022

by Local Growth