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Have your say on North End Park, the Market Place Plaza and walking and cycling in Driffield.

New engagement surveys have been launched about improvements to North End Park, recent changes to the Market Place and to capture views on the hospitality and entertainment offer, which have previously been highlighted as important issues.

An active travel heatmap has also been developed to better understand how you think improvements could be made to walking, cycling and the general town centre environment in Driffield. This has been designed as an accessible way for local residents, businesses and other stakeholder groups to raise issues relating to walking and cycling with the aim of making these activities more pleasant, safer and more accessible in Driffield.

If you know of an area that can be improved, then please let us know by selecting ‘have your say’, placing a pin on the consultation heatmap and answering a few survey questions.

Thank you to everybody that has contributed since Driffield Commonplace to date and the evidence is being used to help inform improvements in the town. The more people that are involved, the better the needs of the whole community will be reflected and so please have your say!

Surveys are expected to close on Sunday 5 December.

Posted on 29th October 2021

by Local Growth team, East Riding of Yorkshire Council